Route des Grandes Alpes - Alpine-Cols


Route des Grandes Alpes

Home » Cycling Tours » Route des Grandes Alpes

An awesome experience. Here are some of the things I liked:

Great routes: Some great routes with lots of cols I haven’t ridden before. Roselend, Iseran and  Izoard were among my favourites. Also Galibier (which I had done before). I think the balance between the standard routes and the challenge to be about right (I did the standard). In general I think the standard routes were hard but doable – even in these very hot conditions.

Great company: It was a great group of people (both guests and staff) to travel with. This include being able to link up with Stephane before the trip

Becoming a better descender: I certainly felt like I became a more comfortable and safe descender during this trip. In part trough the instruction from Russ, but also from descending (slowly) with other people that are better descenders than me and lots of practice during the trip.

Franck: Being everywhere taking care of peoples bodies and bikes

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