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Cent Cols Challenge Corsica: the last five stages
At the end of Stage 5 we were in Porticcio, a few kilometres south of Ajaccio on the south-western coast of Corsica. We were half-wa...
Cent Cols Challenge Corsica: the first five stages
I first found out about the Cent Cols Challenge events in January 2020, when I read an article in Vélo Magazine. The challen...
Stuck on a plateau? Here’s what you need to do.
By Silas Cullen and Marvin Faure When you first start cycling, your performance improves rapidly. Almost no matter what you do an...
Geneva to SanRemo : trip report
After a pandemic-enforced cancellation in 2020, our inaugural cycling tour from Geneva to SanRemo finally took place in September...
Mont Ventoux: how to become a Cinglé
When I first heard about the Club des Cinglés, I was a very new cyclist. The idea of climbing Mont Ventoux three times in one da...
Progress and a new challenge!
In my last blog I talked about personal goals in these uncertain times and how I had adjusted my goals to allow for disappoint...